Latest News
- 8/11/2021 Congratulation to Zhaohui and Xueyao for their new publication on Process Biochemistry!
- 8/5/2021 Field tour of pilot-scale continuous flow aerobic granulation reactor in Upper Occoquan Service Authority
- 8/3/3021 Received another DOE grant
- 7/27/2021 Field tour of our pilot MBBR-Anammox reactors stationed in Noman M. Cole Jr., Pollution Control Plant
- 7/26/2021 Zhaohui An received NSF support for this internship research work on continuous flow aerobic granulation in Upper Occoquan Service Authority (UOSA)
- 7/2/2021 Rocky won 2nd place in CSAWWA’s annual virtual poster competition.

VT-CAWRI aims to provide a platform for industrial-funded projects focusing on applied water research, and to strengthen the collaboration between Virginia Tech and water/wastewater industry. Virginia Tech has many researchers performing water-related research across the departments and colleges, and its Environmental Engineering program has a long tradition of excellence in water and wastewater research. VT-CAWRI will take advantages of the research strength on the campus and advance water research to address nexus of resource, water and energy. Research include:
Aerobic granular sludge based wastewater treatment
Bioenergy recovery from high-strength wastewater using anaerobic digestior
Biofilm reactors and mathematical modeling
Development of mainstream anammox coupled with carbon removal technologies
Membrane technologies such as membrane bioreactors and forward osmosis
Production of biofuels and bioproducts from cellulose biomass
Sidestream nutrient removal by nitritation and anammox
Sustainable desalination and water softening